© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell
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Here is a look at the Festool
MFS 400
MFS 700
, multi-routing template system.
While these tools excel as routing templates they are capable of far more. Routing operations like
open-field inlays, borders, cutouts, mortises, routing circles, curves and arcs are just part of what the
MFS system can do. Use the MFS with your Multi Function Table to help square the guide rail with
the table, or as a cutting fence. I've even used the profiles as a temple to make cuts with my jigsaw!
To understand the full value of this accessory, don't think of it as a "Routing Template". Envision
profiles that form templates, squares, fences, stops, story sticks and jigs of every kind, a "Multi-
Function Profile" system.
The first thing I'd like to do is credit Jerry Work, Ned Young and John Lucas for the work that they
have already done to help us get the most out of the MFS and the Festool system. Some of the
methods, techniques and ideas you will see here have come from their writings. So, thank you
Here is a link to Jerry Work's
MFS manual.
Jerry Work designs and hand crafts fine furniture in Kerby,
OR. Check out his site,
The Dovetail Joint.
Ned Young started a thread on the Festool Owners Group forum,
Notes on the MFS.
John Lucas has shared a lot of great ideas on his site,