Festo – SFAW – 1602a English
Example for LCD display
Menu and submenu for the analogue output
[Flow] / [Unit]
Display unit for the flow measurement
Analogue output, switchable between [0_10V], [1_5V], [4_20MA]
[In.Hi] / [%]
Scaling of the analogue output: Set final value of the flow or
temperature characteristics curve. (specification in % FS - full
[In.Lo] / [%]
Scaling of the analogue output: Set starting value of the flow or
temperature characteristics curve. (specification in % FS - full
[VOL] / [Unit]
Display unit for volume measurement
[tEMP] / [Unit]
Display unit for temperature measurement
Menu and submenu for extreme and average values
[MIN] / [l/Min]
Minimum measured flow rate since switch-on or the last reset
[MAX] / [l/Min]
Maximum measured flow rate since switch-on or the last reset
[MIN] / [°C]
Minimum measured temperature since switch-on or the last reset
[MAX] / [°C]
Maximum measured temperature since switch-on or the last reset
[AVER] / [l/Min]
Average of the flow measurement, filter time constant switchable
between 650 ms, 1200 ms, 2500 ms
Menu and submenu for the special menu (Spec)
Value of the filter time constant for the flow signal
Economy mode: time after which the display background lighting is
switched off
[bin] / [Out]
Shift of the switching outputs (binary) between PNP and NPN
[bin] / [Pin4]
Switching of the switch signal (binary) at pin 4 between flow
monitoring and volume pulse
[bin] / [Pin2]
Switchover of the switching signal (binary) or the analogue output
signal at pin 2 between flow and temperature monitoring
[ANLG] / [Pin5]
Switchover of the analogue output signal at pin 5 between flow
and temperature measurement
[Lock] / [Code]
Activation and determination of the security code
Activation of the IO-Link master function for replication of
Tab. 11