Festo – GDCP-CMGA-E1-CO-EN – 1201NH
The value of the rotary switches can be calculated as follows:
RDS value = 16 x (value of the “HIGH” rotary switch) + (value of the “LOW” rotary switch)
Please note that if you are using more than one CMGA-E1-CO in the same CANopen net-
work, the addresses of these must differ by at least 2.
Since a CANopen subscriber can have only one address in the range 1 to 127, the most significant bit is
used for the selection of the baud rate.
The CMGA-E1-CO supports 500 kBaud and 1 MBaud. If the most significant bit is a RDS value 0, the
device uses 500 kBaud, if it is 1, the device uses 1 MBaud.
Due to the number of TPDOs generated, there is a further restriction for the highest configurable ad-
dress. Therefore for the address range 1 to 126 (if you configure the address as 127, the device sees
this as 126).
If you want to generate heartbeat messages with the CMGA-E1-CO, you can configure the “Producer
Heartbeat Time” as described below under “Heartbeat Producer”.
Example: the “HIGH” rotary switch has the value 10, the “LOW” rotary switch the value 3:
RDS value = 10 * 16 + 3 = 163 = 0xA3
The most significant bit is set, and the CMGA-E1-CO CANopen interface is thereby configured with
1 MBaud.
The node ID is constituted from the 7 lower significant bits, and it can therefore be calculated as
follows: (0xA3 & 0x7F) = 0x23 = 35.
As described below under “TPDOs”, the COB-IDs can be calculated on the basis of the node ID.
0x180 + 0x23 = 0x1A3
0x280 + 0x23 = 0x2A3
0x380 + 0x23 = 0x3A3
0x480 + 0x23 = 0x4A3
0x180 + 0x23 +1 = 0x1A4
0x280 + 0x23 +1 = 0x2A4
0x380 + 0x23 +1 = 0x3A4
0x480 + 0x23 +1 = 0x4A4
Tab. 2
Calculation of COB-IDs
If you would like, you can change the COB-IDs of the TPDOs by altering the desired values in the corres-
ponding positions of the OD.