Communications Port. In Computer systems, the name of a serial communications port - E.g.:
COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4.
End-User License Agreement. Is a legal contract between a software application author or
publisher and the user of that application. The EULA, often referred to as the "software
license," is similar to a rental agreement; the user agrees to pay for the privilege of using the
software, and promises the software author or publisher to comply with all restrictions stated in
the EULA.
Estimated Time of Arrival. The estimate time to complete the journey, if we where to leave now.
Excluding any detours, stops or delays along the route.
Estimated Time Remaining. Estimated Time remaining to complete route. Does not allow for
any delays.
Frequently Asked Questions. List of Frequently Asked Questions with Answers.
Global Positioning System. The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a "constellation" of 24
well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible for Vehicles/ people/ assets
enabled with GPS receivers to pinpoint their location.
Latitude. An imaginary parallel circular line (East / West) around the earth, the same distance,
north or south from the equator – expressed in degrees.
Longitude. An imaginary circular line on the surface of the earth passing through the North and
South poles at right angles to the equator - expressed in degrees.
Orbital path of a Satellite. Path or trajectory of a body through space. A GPS satellite traces
out an orbit about the earth.
Point Of Interest. A place or item of interest along the selected route.
Satellite, See also GPS. A man-made object, or device that orbits the earth. E.g.: a GPS
Satellite which orbits the earth in a fix pattern, height and speed
Secure Digital memory card. A Secure Digital (SD) card is a tiny flash memory card used to
make data storage portable among various devices.
Total Time Duration. The projected total time the trip is calculated to take - does not allow for
any detours or other delays.