Additional Information
A reference PEF or FEV1 value is usually the best result you achieve
when you are not having symptoms.
Reference PEF or FEV1
To turn ON the color-zone indicator, you or a healthcare professional
must set a reference value (see page 6).
The following are color-zone descriptions:
Default Settings:
G Green = test results over 80% of the set value
Yellow = test results between 50 - 80% of the set value
Red = test results under 50% of the set value
Note: If your test result falls in the Red Zone, contact your
healthcare professional immediately.
Q Factor Indicator
Indicates to repeat the test since one or more of the following
A cough was detected.
The blow effort was too short.
The blow effort had a slow start.
The result was unnaturally low or high for your reference.