Doc ID: 00205-AU-V01
Ferno Australia
4.3 Preparing the cot and securing the
Pedi-Mate to the cot.
Remove any restraints attached to the cot.
Raise the cot backrest and lock it in place at an
angle between 15 and 45 degrees. This will keep
the patient’s shoulders higher than the pelvis and
maintain the proper centre of gravity.
Unroll the Pedi-Mate and spread it flat on the
cot mattress, centre the orange back pad left to
right on the mattress, unbuckle and align the two
upper non patient straps (with U bracket) to the
mid/upper point on the cot backrest. (Figure 1)
Position the metal U bracket on the upper non
patient strap onto the side of the backrest frame
and connect the clasp and buckle behind the
backrest frame and tighten/adjust accordingly.
NOTE: Ensure the straps for the harness mount
points are not twisted. (Figures 2 and 3)
Fig 1: Pedi-Mate positioned on a cot, ready for securing
Fig 2: Position the U bracket onto the side of the backrest frame
Fig 3: Upper non patient strap tightened