© Ferno (UK) Ltd. FERNO/MAN/R4/0721/210-R5/UK
Glide® LBS
Using the Chair
Both Operators:
Working together, guide the chair
over the edge of the top step, allowing the track
belts to engage the step.
Move the chair slowly downward until the tracks are
resting on the top two or three steps. This establishes
the glide angle.
To maintain the glide angle as you descend, work
together as follows:
The head-end operator applies slight downward
pressure on the extended rear handle.
The foot-end operator applies slight upward
pressure on the front (foot-end) handles.
Both Operators:
When the chair reaches the
bottom of the steps and the rear wheels are on the
floor, the head-end operator tips the chair forward
until all four wheels are on the floor and the foot-end
operator retracts the front handles.
Head-End Operator:
Close the tracks and adjust
the rear handle to a comfortable height, then roll
the chair.
Once the occupant has been successfully transported
down the stairs, it is suggested to take the brake
off fully, by rotating the dial fully in the clockwise
direction until it stops, such that the chair is then
prepared ready for the next time it is used and the
operator can set the new required braking level.
To Pause During the Descent
To pause during the descent for readjustment of
the brake or other reasons, tilt the chair forward just
enough to allow the rear wheels to rest on the step
while both operators hold the chair in place.
To continue down the stairs, tilt the chair back to the
glide angle and engage the belts on the steps.
Head-End Operator:
Roll the chair to the stairs and
engage the wheel locks.
Foot-End Operator:
Extend the front (foot-end)
handles to the desired stop point. Verify that both
handles are locked.
Stand below the foot-end operator with
a hand on the operator's back to help steady and
guide him/her throughout the descent.
Head-End Operator:
Pull the track system toward
yourself until the track locks open. Verify that the
track is locked.
Head-End Operator:
Raise the rear handle to the
desired position and verify that it is locked.
Head-End Operator:
Disengage the wheel locks
and tilt the chair back.
Using the chair with the track unlocked can cause
injury. Verify that the track is locked before
transporting the patient.
Lubricating the track system can result in injury to
patient and/or operators. Never lubricate the track
or belts.
Note that with stairs with a steeper incline, more
braking may be required as the patient weight is
further forward of the chair and this will therefore
cause more forward movement, meaning more
braking may be required
It is suggested that when transporting patients of
150 kgs and over that 4 operators are always used,
not just because of the weight of the patient but
also due to physical body mass of the patient and
to ensure full control and safety of the patient at all
times during the movement of the patient.
Prior to taking the patient down the stairs, the brake
should be initially set at the suggested level and the
chair then moved down the stairs following to the
standard procedures for operating a track chair, as
outlined in the EZ-Glide LBS user manual.
Once on the stairs and starting to transport the
occupant downstairs, if it is felt by the head-end and
foot-end operators(s) that the chair is totally under
control and tracks felt to be running away slightly,
even when holding the tracks into the stairs at
foot-end and head-end, then the decent should be
stopped and the brake increased by ½ turn, turning
the dial in an anti-clockwise direction (in the direction
of red arrow), increasing further if necessary until
such time as the movement of the chair is felt to be
controlled and the chair not running away.
If the chair is difficult to move and the tracks do
not seem to be rotating, even when a forward/
downwards pressure is being exerted by the head-
end operator, then the braking level should be
reduced by turning the dial ½ a turn in the clockwise
direction (in direction of green arrow) and decreased
further if required, until such time as the chair is
moving more freely, but still controlled.