3. Before you start
Please ensure the following is ready:
You have a broadband internet connection.
A wireless broadband router is connected to the internet successfully.
The radio supports Wireless B, G and N connection (Wireless N router can also be
used with the setting on B or G). You know the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) or
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) data encryption code/password. You need a key in
the correct code when the radio is connected to the wireless router for network
connection. If you do not know the code/password, please contact the
person/technician who set up the router/network for you. The radio can work via
Wireless network connection (Wi-Fi connection).
Plug it in with the power plug to the outlet and the pin to the DC IN on the rear side of the radio.
4. How to input security code for your wireless network
Using remote control
On the alpha-numerical keypad, press each button repeatedly to cycle through the letters,
numbers and symbols as listed below.
To input a character, scroll to the correct one and when it is highlighted, press the ► button to input
the next character. When it comes to the last character of the password and it is highlighted, press
to confirm.
Button 1: 1 and different kind of
symbols !@#$%^&*()_+[]{};:'”\|,./<>?
Button 2: 2ABCabc Button 3: 3DEFdef
Button 4: 4GHIghi
Button 5: 5JKLjkl
Button 6: 6MNOmno
Button 7: 7PQRSpqrs
Button 8: 8TUVtuv
Button 9: 9WXYZwxyz
Button 0: 0
Using control button on the radio unit
Use the
knob to scroll through the characters, when the correct one is highlighted,
[ ► ]
button to input the next character. When it comes to the last character of the password
and it is highlighted, press
to confirm.