Fenix Mistral 3.3
Rev. 0.1
Note: Longer screws goes in the front
Do not tight them now…
just insert them
Note: Front arms are
removed for sake of
Install the G560039
suspension holder, use
2 x HW026 M3x12 + 2x
HW0020 M3x16
countersunk screw.
Use 4 x FX0088 5mm
Note the position of
G56039 – the knob
should face forward.
Active caster settings.
5 Degrees are default
Secure the G56-030
upper arm mount to the
M20-16 using 2 HW004
M3x10mm Hex button
Slide the M20-13 brace
in position.
Be sure that the brace
fit easily. You might
have to enlarge the gap
with some sandpaper.
G56-031 arm –
G56-033 eyelet-
TR 28-M4 turnbuckle
G56-037 sphere
Make 2 sets
Note: insert the sphere
into the eyelet using the
dimple as reference