1789 Norwood Avenue, Itasca, Illinois 60143 • 1-800-955-0959 • www.fellowes.com
B r a n d s
© 2019 Fellowes, Inc. | Part# 411501
Customer servICe & suPPort
Declaration of Conformity
Fellowes Ltd.
unit 2 ontario Drive, New rossington, Doncaster, DN11 0BF, england declares that the product model Arc A4 conforms with the
requirements of the restriction of Hazardous substances Directive (2011/65/eu + 2015/863/eu), the Low voltage Directive (2014/35/
eu), the electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/eu), the Weee directive (2012/19/eu), and below harmonized european eN
safety: eN60950-1: 2006/A2:2013
emC standard: eN55014-1:2006+A1:2009+A2:2011
Year Affixed: 19
Itasca, Illinois, usA
January 1, 2019
John Fellowes
President & CEO
europe Freephone: 00800-1810-1810
Benelux: +31-(0)-13-458-0580
Deutschland: +49 (0)511 545489-0
France: +33 (0) 1 78 64 91 00
Italia: +39-071-730041
Polska: +48 (22) 205-21-10
españa/Portugal: +34-91-748-05-01
united Kingdom: +44 (0) 1302 836836
Australia: 1800 33 11 77