4.9 Firmware Upgrade
4.8 Manual Lock
Manually move camera to desired position,and hold for half a second. New tilt
and/or pan positions are automatically saved.
Upgrade the firmware through the Feiyu ON App.
(1) Click the icon
(2) Select upgrade type.
(3) Follow the prompts to upgrade the firmware.
Latest version:***
Firmware Upgrade
Current version:***
Please read the following notices CAREFULLY:
1. Please KEEP your phone screen ON during upgrade
2. Do NOT leave current App page.
3. The motors will be pow off during upgrade
progress, this is normal case.
4. In case of upgrade failure, the gimbal might be
unfunctionable, please reboot your gimbal and
restart App on your phone, and then perform
upgrade agian util successful upgrade.
5. If upgrade success, please forget/unpaired the
gimbal with your phone in phone settings page,
and reconnect again.
I Known
Start updating
Upgrade type introductions:
Keyboard update:
Repair / update or newly add
button/touch screen/interaction functions, update more
compatibility cameras which can be controlled through WIFI,
repair few bugs about camera control through WIFI, and etc.
Bluetooth firmware update:
Repair / update or newly add
Bluetooth functions, update more compatibility cameras,
and etc.
Gimbal update:
Repair / update or newly add gimbal control /
function / parameter and etc.
LED icons update:
Repair or update the icons in the screen.(Support for AK series gimbal only )
USB Hub update:
Repair / update or newly add control cameras/follow focus through USB cable,
repair the bugs about camera control, and etc.(Support for AK4500/AK3000 only )