Tools required:
1. ¾
” box wrench
Survey the installation area for rocks, stumps or other obstructions, remove debris or
relocate lift site.
1. Inspect boat hull for any protrusions, such as turn fins, speedometer pickups, live well inlets,
cruise control pickups, etc. Compare location of obstruction with Bunk spacing. Remove or
relocate if needed. In some cases, Centering Guides may be all that’s required to position
your boat for interference free lifting.
2. Lift or float unit into position.
For the
Normal Water Depth Series
: Lift or float unit into position. Front of lift (bow) is the
cylinder end of the lift.
For the
Shallow Water Depth Series
: When the lift is in the lowest position, the bunk rail
overhangs the beam on the stern (back) of the lift.
DO NOT DRAG. Dragging may cause unnecessary fatigue on Side Beams and Front/Rear
Beams welds.
3. For Normal Water Depth Series: Place your lift in the farther most down position. Place
your lift in a minimum
29” of water depth or more. Half of boat draft plus 29. This much
water over bunk
4. Raise bunks until they are even with the water. Adjust legs until all 4 ends of the bunks are
level. To do this: Remove leg pin, place leveling leg at desired position. Replace leg pin.
5. Ensure only the 4 Foot Pads are firmly placed on the leg bottom.
6. Float (DO NOT DRIVE) your boat on at this time. Do not raise the lift yet. Check for potential
interference. Adjust bunks and or centering guides as necessary.
7. Raise the lift until the bunks just contact the hull bottom. STOP. Check for clearance one
more time
If all is clear between the hull and lift bunks, raise lift 6” more. WAIT. In softer areas lift feet
may settle into lake bottom, causing tilt situation. Lower lift, remove boat and repeat step 5
thru 9 until lift is on solid footing. Relocate lift unit or shore up soft areas with sand, gravel or
plywood sheets. Boat lift may settle throughout the season and require addition leveling.