Installation Instructions ID ISC.LRM200-A/B
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4. Control and display elements
4.1. LED´s
Table 4.1-1 shows the configuration of the LED´s.
LED V1 (green)
Indicates proper running of the internal Reader software
Flashing rate ca. 1 Hz
LED V2 (red)
Diagnostic 1: RF communication / EEPROM status
Short flashing indicates error-free communication with a trans-
ponder on the RF interface
Flashes alternating with V1 after Reset following a software
Flashes alternating with V1 in case a data error while reading
the parameters occurred following a Reset
LED V3 (red)
Diagnostic 2: Host communication
Short flashing indicates a protocol is being sent to the host on
the RS232/RS485 interface
LED V4 (red)
Diagnostic 3: Reserved
LED V5 (red)
Diagnostic 4: Reader initialization / RF error
Comes on during Reader initialization after power-up or after a
Comes on to indicate an error in the RF section of the Reader.
The error type can be read out via software on the
RS232/RS485 interface
Table 4.1-1: LED configuration