WARNING! Before removing Top Hopper screw, ensure the machine is
switched off, and the machine is completely stopped.
WARNING! Take extreme care not to come in contact with cutting blades.
WARNING! If ejection chute becomes clogged or cutting blades become
jammed, under no circumstances should you place your hands in
ejection chute to try to clear obstruction, as this will lead to serious
1. Switch the machine off, and make sure the machine is completely stopped.
2. Wear gloves when attempting any maintenance to the cutting blades.
3. Loose four safety 4 screws as shown on (Fig L), carefully lift up the hopper.
4. Steps on the hopper support with the foot, takes a tool to be fixed the blade
of plate. (Fig M)
5. Dismantles bit anchor screw (Fig N) with the suitable tool.
6. Close the hopper, tighten the screws.
NOTE: The blade is double edged. Should you have to change the blade,
rotate the blade 180 degree for sharper edge.
Fig L Fig M Fig N
1. Let engine runs out of fuel, and wait until engine stopped and cooled slightly.
2. Disconnect spark plug wire and keep away from spark plug.
3. When engine is still warm, remove oil drain plug (A). Drain oil into a proper
container. (Fig O)
4. Clean the oil drain plug before restoring it back.
5. Remove dipstick. Add new recommended oil about 0.3L slowly to upper limit