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Digital LED Clock


Clock Operating Instructions 

The clock control switch is located on the back panel of the clock.  The switch is a 5-way joystick (up, down, 
left, right, and push).  In these instructions, the control switch orientation is as viewed from the front of the 
clock.  The clock may also be controlled with most universal IR remote controls (see the IR Remote section 
for more information). 


Figure 2 – Back View 

The clock has two operating modes; Time Run and Time Set. 

Time Run Mode 

The display punctuation will flash to indicate that the clock does not have satellite time signal lock.  Without 
satellite time signal lock, the clock operates as a regular digital clock. 
In Time Run mode, the clock displays the current time and date, and the control switch adjusts the display 
brightness.  The up and down directions adjust the brightness up or down.  The left and right directions set 
the light sensitivity.  When adjusting the brightness, the display will show the sensitivity (SE) and brightness 
(BR) values that are currently set.  There are 6 light sensitivity levels, ranging from 0 (no sensitivity to light 
changes) to 5 (most sensitive to light changes).  The brightness level ranges from –99 to +99. 
Push the control switch to enter Time Set mode. 
