Function Operations
Your BT-202 can store pairing information for up to five different devices equipped with
Bluetooth wireless technology. When an attempt to pair to more than five devices is
made, the oldest paired device is removed from thememory.
When any of the paired devices are in the range of 10 metres and power is on, the unit
will automatically initiate a paired connection with the
device it was connected to. If
not, press
to quickly start the connection.
If you want to connect to another device o f the paired devices, you could initiate the
connection from your mobile phone (please refer to your mobile phone's manual). If
you want to connect to other devices which haven't paired with the unit, you must
initiate the pairing process as follows.
If you power down then up the unit or the paired mobile phone, they will initiate the
connection automatically.
With the unit and your mobile phone in close proximity, do the following steps to pair
Press and hold both "Back up SIM"
and "Download to SIM" button on the
rear o f the display.
I n s e r t t h e b a s e u n i t i n t o t h e
cigarette of your vehicle.
T h e LCD w i l l s h o w " l a n g u a g e
setting", and t h e n t h e current
setting ("German, English, Spanish
or French").
Language setting
You can select a display language. 4
different languages are available. They
are German, English, Spanish and
French. You should set the language
during the installing process (refer to
"installing the unit in a vehicle" on page 8
for details).
Press the "Back up SIM" button to
select the language.
Press the "Download to SIM" button
to confirm.
Function Operations