VAIE 2000 | Voice Alarm Integrated Systems
System Manual | 2013
VAC 2006 • VAR 2006
6. ConFIGuRAtIon oF tHE SYStEM
6.1 IntRoduCtIon
The Controller Manager software enables the whole system you wish to create to be compiled and configured. To start running the programme,
click twice on the “controller.exe” file.
In order for the programme to work correctly, the operating system of the PC must be Windows 7® or higher.
Once you have started the programme. You can already create a new system configuration.
To create the new file, select
File > new Project
on the menu bar.
To add a description to the project, select
Project > Edit description
and enter it in the field provided (max 22 digits).
To save the new project, select
File > Save Project As
: use the dialogue box to assign a name to the project and identify or create a destination
folder. The status bar at the bottom of the window will show that the operation has been completed successfully.
Once this has been done, you can start to configure the system.
To save an open project simply select
File > Save Project*
6.3 oPEnInG An EXIStInG PRojECt
To open a previously saved project, select
File > open Project
; in the dialogue box, select the folder and the desired *.prg file.
It is possible at any time to compile a new project by selecting File > New Project. Of course all the previously entered data will be lost since
the programme will start again from an empty project.