The Fazley FKB-100L is an entry level keyboard with velocity sensitive keys that are able to
light up. This not only helps beginners to learn to play the keyboard, but also add
expression to their playing since every passage can be played differently.
The FKB-100L has been designed to ensure that the beginner is offered a smooth entry into
the world of playing the keyboard. A large range of sounds are available to choose from,
along with various accompaniments in various styles, all ready to be selected.
Using the lit-key function of the FKB-100L, beginners are supported during their first steps.
Whilst led by lit keys, you can learn which notes need to be played when, without having to
understand how to read music or to play complex chords.
Follow the simple steps and instructions included below to get the optimum performance
out of your FKB-100L.
Practical Info
- If two people want to play the keyboard without using the built-in speakers, you can use a
headphone splitter (not included) to connect two pairs of headphones.
- Make sure to prevent the power cable from being pulled too taut, tangled, bent, or
damaged by sharp edges.
Keyboard Positioning
It is important that the FKB-100L is placed on a stable surface, and at a comfortable height
so that possible physical complaints can be avoided.
Fazley do recommend investing in a good adjustable keyboard stand so that the keyboard
can be played comfortably whilst standing or sitting.
Placing the keyboard on a dining table or similar kind of table can lead to discomfort whilst
playing and, eventually, physical
A common way to achieve a good playing posture is as follows:
- the arms are able to hang freely at the side of the body (to prevent your shoulders from
becoming stiff if they need to hunch to lift your arms higher)
- the forarms extend almost horizontally towards the keys
- rest your fingers and hands in the same way that you would rest them when hanging at
your sides
- in this position, it’s best that the elbows are positioned slightly forward and are not
completely parallel to the body
All information and illustrations shown in this user manual are subject to change without further notice.
Creation date + author initials:
16-07-2020 RV
Revision date + author initials: -