3rd edition, 6-11-2017
7000.05057, 3rd edition, 6-11-2017
EC directives on product safety
The following EC directives on product safety must be observed.
If the Motion Controller is being used outside the EU, international, national and
regional directives must be also observed.
Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
Because of their small size, no serious threats to life or physical condition can normally be
expected from electric miniature drives. Therefore the Machinery Directive does not apply
to our products. The products described here are not "incomplete machines". Therefore
installation instructions are not normally issued by FAULHABER.
Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU)
The Low Voltage Directive applies for all electrical equipment with a nominal voltage of 75
to 1500 V DC and 50 to 1000 V AC. The products described in this technical manual do not
fall within the scope of this directive, since they are intended for lower voltages.
EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
The directive concerning electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) applies to all electrical and
electronic devices, installations and systems sold to an end user. In addition, CE marking can
be undertaken for built-in components according to the EMC Directive. Conformity with
the directive is documented in the Declaration of Conformity.