Part #???
Revised ??????
3400 Democrat Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118
Phone: (901) 260-3278 Fax: (901) 366-1807
Part # FAST4-160
Revised 11/30/09
3400 Democrat Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118
Phone: (901) 260-3278 Fax: (901) 375-3408
Standalone XIM™
Thank you for choosing FAST™ products; we are proud to be your manufacturer of choice. Please read this
instruction sheet carefully before beginning installation, and also take a moment to review the included limited
warranty information.
These instructions focus on the Standalone XIM™. Please refer to the original XIM™ instructions (Part
#FAST4-101) for general XIM™ information.
Standalone Modes
The XIM™ has three modes of Standalone operation.
Onboard – adjustments made with physical switches mounted directly on the XIM™ circuit board.
Remote – adjustments made through a small, handheld device intended to be used in the cockpit.
PC Software – adjustments made through a software package loaded on a laptop.
Onboard Switch Settings
The XIM™ is configured through a series of DIP switch settings. The switches are located under the back cover
of XIM™. To access the switches, simply take the lid off by removing the 5 screws, being careful not to tear the
gasket beneath the lid.
Quick Start Guide for Onboard Mode
These example settings can be used to get up and running quickly. They are on the “safe” side. If desired, any of
the settings can be adjusted to suit the motor or application. More detail about each switch setting is given on the
following page.