ComTec GmbH
Power supply current: < 10 mA
Power dissipation: < 240 mW
2.6. Physicals
Net weight: 250 gr.
Size without connectors: 126 mm x 80 mm x 30 mm
Size with connectors: 165 mm x 80 mm x 30 mm
• Measured with input unconnected, using Gaussian shaping amplifier with time constant =1 s. With a detector attached
to the input, noise from the detector capacitance, leakage current, and dielectric losses will add to this figure.
** Pulse rise time (defined as the time to attain 90% of maximum value) has a linear relationship with input capacitance.
Value cited in the table assumes zero added input capacitance. Tocalculate pulse rise time for practical situations, use the
equation: tr =0.4 Cd + 7 ns, where tr is the pulse rise time in ns, and Cd is the added capacitance (e.g. detector
capacitance) in pF.
Keep in mind that other factors within the detection system may further limit this value.