FB- KMB- 4165 / 4185 / 4169 / 4189 / 4180 / 4181
: www.kisankraft.com
: +91.80. 22178200
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1. Read this manual carefully, be sure you understand how to operate this
machine properly before you use it.
2. Protective Clothing:
Wear flange cap.
Wear dirt/fog-proof
Wear gauze mask.
Wear long gloves.
Wear coat guarding
against poisons.
Wear boots.
3. Following personnel should not use the machine:
Mentally challenged.
Under the age of 18 or older people.
Person with no knowledge of the machine.
Tired person or patient and others who cannot operate the machine
A person who has just exercised strenuously or has not slept enough.
Women feeding breast milk to the baby or is pregnant.
4. Recharge
If the wire/ plug is bad, or the socket is lax, don’t use it as there is a risk of
an electric shock and even fire.
Don’t pull the plug with wet hand to avoid electric shock.
If the plug wasn’t inserted into the socket completely, there is a danger of
experiencing an electric shock, and even a fire.
Please clear away the dust on the plug. The dust also can cause a fire.
Don’t lay this machine in a wet or a dusty place to avoid electric shock,
heat, split and so on.
Don’t charge above the set time, or it will cause a battery leak, heat split
and so on.
When storing the machine avoid direct sunlight, hot environment and
avoid things that emit heat of their own. Otherwise, it will speed up the
aging of the battery, and may cause weeping, emit heat, craze, or strike
fire etc.,
Don’t charge when the temperature of the battery is
low or in the cold
weather, as it may cause the battery to leak and will shorten its life.
Don’t throw the battery into the fire or heat as it will split the battery.
If you find any battery leak, colour change and distortion, don’t use it any
5. Spraying
It is fine to carry out an operation during cool weather with little wind. For
example, early in the mornings or in the late afternoons as this can reduce
the evaporation and drift of chemicals and improve the protective effect.
The operator should move windward.