Chapter 4
For either the Primar y or Alternate Location, the following
parameters must be configured:
Once complete, press Escape to exit the ISDN Parameters menu.
From the Main Menu, select Save Profile and press Enter to
save the changes made to the profile.
Select Restar t Card. Verify that the correct star tup profile is
specified, then press Enter.
You are now ready to use your Netopia ISDN PC Card. Refer to
Chapter 5, “Operation,” for instructions on making a connection.
The local switch is of
Specifies the ISDN switch type used by your ISDN ser vice provider.
North American firmware:
For most locations, the default of Nor th
America (Auto-Detect) should be used. If the ISDN Switch Type
cannot be automatically detected, National ISDN-1 (NI-1) or AT&T
(5ESS) can be explicitly specified.
International (Excl. North America) firmware:
Europe (EuroISDN),
Japan (INS-Net64), and Australia (TPH1962).
SPID (Ser vice Profile
Identifier) (1st/2nd
North America only.
A number specified by your ISDN provider
which identifies your ISDN equipment to the switch (may be
optional with 5ESS).
Subaddress (1st/
2nd B-channel)
International only.
Specifies your ISDN number and subaddress.