Setting the RAID
Operation Mode
The DataDock II is preconfigured from the factory for Mirrored
operation (RAID 1.) If you wish to reconfigure it for a different
operation mode, please follow the instructions below.
You can configure your DataDock II to use different RAID modes to map
the physical hard drives to a virtual drive, or "volume", that is visible to
the host computer. The host operating system treats this volume as if
it's a single physical drive, overcoming restrictions that are imposed by
physical hard drives such as speed, storage capacity or data storage
reliability. To select a RAID mode, make sure that the unit is powered
off and refer to the following instructions:
1. Set the rotary switch on the back of the DataDock II with a small
flathead screwdriver to the desired storage policy. Please refer
to page 5 for the locations of the
storage policy mode switch and
commit button.
2. Turn on the DataDock II.
3. The Power/Rebuild lights will
begin to blink. Press and hold the
recessed "Mode Change Commit" button with a pin
or paperclip for about 5 seconds until the Power/Rebuild lights
stop blinking.
Please exercise care before pressing the "Commit" button.
Creating new virtual volumes will destroy any existing data
that existed on the previous volume!
When changing RAID modes to an existing volume, it is necessary
to remove the existing disk partition prior to changing the RAID
mode, or the new volume may appear to have a partition with
the wrong size or will be unformattable. You may use your
computer's disk utility (Mac: /applications/disk utilty, Windows: \
Windows\System32\diskmgmt.msc) to remove the partition(s) on
the DataDock II. Please consult your OS help or visit http://www.
fantomdrives.com/support/faqs for additional information.