4. FAQ (frequently asked questions)
1. How can I add / remove an app to / from the main menu?
Add: Click the
icon in the main menu > Select the wanted app > Press the OK
button on the remote control > this markst he wanted APP with a green tick, then press
the „Return“ button on the remote control.
Remove: Click the
icon in the main menu > Select the APP to be deleted, with all
erasable APPs marked with a green tick > Press the OK button on the remote control >
this deselects the mark of the desired APP, then press the „Return“ button on the
remote control.
2. How can I replace preinstalled APPs from the main menu?
Select the symbol to be replaced in the main menu and press the menu button on the
remote control > Select the wanted APPs from the application manager> Press the OK
button on the remote control.