Step 9
Step 10
You will need
x Black
Cover (H3)
You will need
Flat head
x Cam Nut
x Black
Cover (H3)
This is how a cam nut works........
The head of the cam
bolt goes into the open
mouth of the cam nut.
You then turn the cam
nut so it tightens over
the bolt.
Slide the Back Panel (P10) into the grooves of
Side Panels (P3) & (P4) and Bottom Panel (P2).
Paste 18 x Black Cover (H3) on the holes of
Bottom Panel (P2).
Make sure the cut slot of Back Panel (P10) facing
upward as shown.
Fit Top Panel (P1) onto Panels (P3), (P4),
(P5) & (P6), making sure the Back Panel
(P10) is inserted into the groove of Top
panel (P1).
Insert 8 x Cam Nuts (H2) into Side Panels
(P3) & (P4) and Divider Panels (P5) & (P6),
then turn clockwise to lock.
Paste 8 x Black Cover (H3) on Cam Nuts (H2) .
Cut Slot