BLE 5.1, Modules, BC40C, BC40M, BC40P
Ver 0.90 May 2021
5. Miscellaneous
Soldering Temperature-Time Profile for Re-Flow Soldering
Maximum number of cycles for re-flow is 2. No opposite side re-flow is allowed due to module weight.
Cautions, Design Notes, and Installation Notes
Failure to follow the guidelines set forth in this document may result in degrading of the product
functions and damage to the product.
Design Notes
(1) Follow the conditions written in this specification, especially the control signals of this module.
(2) The supply voltage has to be free of AC ripple voltage (for example from a battery or a low noise
regulator output). For noisy supply voltages, provide a decoupling circuit (for example a ferrite in
series connection and a bypass capacitor to ground of at least 47uF directly at the module).
(3) This product should not be mechanically stressed when installed.
(4) Keep this product away from heat. Heat is the major cause of decreasing the life of these
(5) Avoid assembly and use of the target equipment in conditions where the products' temperature
may exceed the maximum tolerance.
(6) The supply voltage should not be exceedingly high or reversed. It should not carry noise and/or