Fält Communications 2016 ©
162187 Manual Fältcom ECII® Flex V024D 2016-02-23
Page 27 of 41
From keypad:
From phone:
# 323 #
Changing the disconnect command tone is made by:
From keypad:
, # >
From phone:
< 0-9,
, # > #
Note: If a speech message is used; press any key to stop the message.
6.19 Detection of busy alarm receiver
Detection of busy tone is default activated. The Fältcom ECII® Flex will detect busy tone and
pause between 100 – 800 ms. Should the tone and pause length be different then the default
setting this can be adjusted by programming.
From keypad:
where XXXX is tone and YYYY is pause. Steps in milliseconds 800-2500.
From phone:
< XXXX >
< YYYY > #
where XXXX is tone and YYYY is pause. Steps in milliseconds 800-2500.
Activating the function and returning to default settings is made with:
From keypad:
From phone:
710 #
The function is disconnected and return to default setting is made with:
From keypad:
From phone:
# 710 #
6.20 LED flashing sequence
When the alarm button has been activated and an alarm is registered by the lift phone, the left
LED on the Fältcom ECII® Flex is lit up in yellow. When the alarm is acknowledged the right
LED is lit up in green and the yellow LED is turned off. This flashing sequence, together with
the front pictograms complies with EN81:70.
There is an option to change to a flashing sequence which indicates a registered alarm with
flashing green light and acknowledged alarm with fixed green light, similar to earlier Fältcom
lift phones. This is done using the following programming sequence: