Material of Construction
Diameter of Opening at 6 ft
51.5” between legs
Diameter of Opening at 11 ft
51.5” between legs
Leg Height Adjustment Increments
5 inches
Max Working Load-Personnel
310 lbs. (including tools)
Safe Working Load
800 lbs.
Anchorage points used for Personal Fall Arrest Systems must be designed to meet the requirements set forth by
ANSI Z359.1-1992, section 7.2.3, which is consistent with OSHA 1910.66 Appendix C. Anchorages must have
strength capable of supporting static loads, applied in the direction permitted by the PFAS, of at least:
3,600 lbs. when certification exists; or
5,000 lbs. in the absence of certification
If more than one personal fall arrest system is attached to an anchorage, the anchorage strengths set forth in (a)
and (b) of this section must be multiplied by the number personal fall arrest systems attached to the anchorage.
Compatibility of System
The FALLTECH Permanent Horizontal Lifeline System has been designed to be used only with FALLTECH
approved components. If FALLTECH equipment is used with other fall arrest equipment that is not compatible,
the integrity of the system may be jeopardized. If you have questions concerning equipment compatibility,
please contact your local field representative or FALLTECH at (800) 719-4619.
Limitations Of System
System Capacity
– 7275 6’ to 11’ Adjustable Tripod has a maximum capacity of three workers. There must
also be adequate clearance beneath the walking/working surface (see section titled clearance below) for the
system to function properly. The maximum worker’s weight, including tools, cannot exceed 310 pounds.
Consult your FALLTECH sales representative if you have any questions concerning your application.
– Harsh environments can cause corrosion of metal parts. The Permanent Horizontal Lifeline
System should not be left in corrosive environments for extended periods of time. Additional inspections may
be necessary to verify that the lifeline and components are in good working condition.
Electrical Hazards
– User should always use extreme caution when working near electrical sources.
– Do not use this device in extremely high temperatures. When performing any type of metal work, such
as welding, cover fall arrest
Moving Machinery
– If it is necessary to work above moving machinery, maintain a safe distance between the
moving parts and yourself, clothing, and personal protective equipment.