How to Use This Manual
This manual provides detailed instructions on installation and
maintenance of gear drives and couplings. Use the table of
contents below to locate required information.
Table of Contents
Installation Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 1 & 2
Shaft Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 2 & 3
Tightening Torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Lubrication Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 3 thru 7
Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Stored and Inactive Gear Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Credit for long service and dependable operation of a gear
drive is often given to the engineers who designed it, or the
craftsmen who constructed it, or the sales engineer who
recommended the type and size. Ultimate credit belongs to the
mechanic on the job who worked to make the foundation rigid
and level, who accurately aligned the shafts and carefully
installed the accessories, and who made sure that the drive
received regular lubrication. The details of this important job are
the subject of this manual.
Operate Falk gear drives only at horsepower, speed
and ratio shown on nameplate. Before changing any one of these,
submit complete nameplate data and new application conditions to
the Factory for correct oil level, parts and application approval.
Disassembly & assembly
instructions and parts guides are available from the Factory or
Falk Representatives. When requesting information, please give
complete data from the nameplate on the gear drive; Model,
M.O.Number, Date, RPM, and Ratio.
Consult applicable local and national safety codes
for proper guarding of rotating members. Lock out power source
and remove all external loads from drive before servicing drive
or accessories
The Falk Corporation (the “Company”) warrants that, for a
period of one year from the date of shipment, the product
described herein will deliver successfully its rated output as
indicated on the nameplate, provided, it is properly installed
and maintained, correctly lubricated, and operated in the
environment and within the limits of speed, torque or other load
conditions for which it was sold. Such product is expressly not
warranted against failure or unsatisfactory operation resulting
from dynamic vibrations imposed upon it by the drive system in
which it is installed unless the nature of such vibrations has been
fully defined and expressly accepted in writing by the Company
as a condition of operation.
Installation Instructions
The following instructions apply to standard Falk Type GHB, Y,
YB & YBX drives shown above. If a drive is furnished with special
features, refer to the supplementary instructions shipped with the
Do not weld on the gear drive or accessories
without prior approval from The Falk Corporation. Welding on
the drive may cause distortion of the housing or damage to the
bearings and gear teeth. Welding without prior approval could
void the warranty.
If the gear drive operates in
the sun at ambient temperatures over 100
C), then special
measures should be taken to protect the drive from solar energy.
This protection can consist of a canopy over the drive or reflective
paint on the drive. If neither is possible, a heat exchanger or other
cooling device may be required to prevent the sump temperature
from exceeding the allowable maximum.
Mount gear drive with base
horizontal, unless it has been specifically ordered for mounting
in another position. If it is necessary to mount the drive in a
different position from that for which it was ordered, consult The
Falk Corporation for changes necessary to provide
proper lubrication.
For gear drives with
non-horizontal mounting, including tilted, vertical and wall
mounted, refer to instructions provided with the drive for oil
levels and bearing lubrication.
The Falk Corporation, a Sundstrand Company, P.O. Box 492, Zip 53201-0492
3001 W. Canal St., Zip 53208-4200, Milwaukee, WI USA Telephone : 414-342-3131 April 1999
Fax: 414-937-4359 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.falkcorp.com
Supersedes 4-89
Enclosed Gear Drives
Installation & Maintenance Instructions
Types GHB, Y, YB & YBX
Sizes 1080–1195 & 2050–2235 (Page 1 of 8)
Type Y Type YBX
Type YB Type GHB