I56/I56i switches off.
^SCTM_B: -2
Alert: T
of board equal or below under temperature limit.
I56/I56i switches off.
Table 11:
Automatic shutdown Temperature control during emergency call
If the temperature limit is exceeded while an emergency call is in progress the
engine continues to measure the temperature, but deactivates the shutdown
functionality. If the temperature is still out of range when the call ends, the
module switches off immediately (without another alert message). Under voltage shutdown if battery NTC is present
In applications where the charging technique of module is used and an NTC is
connected to the BAT_TEMP terminal, the software constantly monitors the
applied voltage. If the measured battery voltage is no more sufficient to set up
a call the following URC will be presented:
^SBC: Under voltage.
The message will be reported, for example, when you attempt to make a call
while the voltage is close to the critical limit and further power loss is caused
during the transmit burst. To remind you that the battery needs to be charged
soon, the URC appears several times before the module switches off. To enable
or disable the URC use the
command. The URC will be enabled
when you enter the write command and specify the power consumption of your
GSM application. Step by step instructions are provided in [
]. Under voltage shutdown if no battery NTC is present
The under voltage protection is also effective in applications, where no NTC
connects to BAT_TEMP terminal. Thus, you can take advantage of this feature
even though the application handles the charging process or I56/ I56i is fed by
a fixed supply voltage. All you need to do is executing the write command
which automatically enables the presentation of URCs.
You do not need to specify <current>.
Whenever the supply voltage falls below the specified value (see
Table 4
) the
^SBC: Under voltage
appears several times before the module switches off. Over voltage shutdown
For over voltage conditions, no software controlled shutdown is implemented.
If the supply voltage exceeds the maximum value specified in
Table 4
, loss of
data and even unrecoverable hardware damage can occur.
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