Fill the water tank only with water. Do not add any
odorous oil-like additives to the tank.
Use boiled and cooled down, or distilled water. Do not
fill with hot water, otherwise it might lead to leakages.
Use of The Appliance
• Ensure that the humidifier is OFF and ensure that is not plugged.
• Place the humidifier 60 cm high, and 10 cm away from the wall, on a flat surface.
Placing the humidifier on furniture you deem important is not recommended.
• Instructions for filling the water tank
- First, remove the steam output cap.
- Remove the water cap by lifting it up.
- Open the tank cap under the tank by turning it counter clock-wise and fill the water
tank with cold fresh water.
- After filling the tank, close the tank cap tightly by turning it clockwise. The tank will
start filling the base. Water can be added as the appliance is operated. Open the top
cap. Fill the water tank with water. Close the cap. Detaching the water tank from the
base is not required.
• Plug the power cord to an appropriate electrical outlet, switch the power button to 1
(behind the humidifier). Then the indicator lights will be on. After the indicator lights
are on, press the button and the light on the base will illuminate. On the LED
display the ambiant humidity will be shown and the appliance will start operating.
After the indicator lights are on, press the button on the appliance, the device may
be timed to operate 1 to 12 hours. When this button is pressed, it will add an hour
(1,2,3,4,……12,0,1,2,3,4…). Adjust the desired time. After adjusting, the timer will be
shown on the display, the adjustment is completed. It will start operating after the timer
expires. However, if your press the button as the appliance is operated, you can
adjust the device to operate constantly between 1 to 12 hours. During the adjusted time
the appliance is operated. This operation is possible through the controls. Press the
button on the controls and then adjust the time as desired by using the up and down