Assembly instructions:
The Flicker machine will require
assembly prior to its first use
1) Plastic casing
2) Drive handle with locating bush and drive lug
3) Locating bush with drive lug
4) Steel washer
5) Wing nut
6) Flicker comb with drive slots
The flicker comb must first be placed inside
the plastic casing ensuring that the flicker arms
are pointing backwards towards the back of
the casing (fig 1). The flicker combs drive shaft
bore must now be aligned with the bush support
holes. Once in position the drive handle should
then be fed through the bush support (fig 2) and
completely through the flicker comb until the drive
lug on the handle locating bush engages on the
drive slots, located on the flicker comb (fig 3).
The second locating bush should then be slid
down the protruding end of the drive handle
shaft ensuring that the drive lug is pointing
downwards towards the comb. The locating
bush must be pushed fully through the bush
support until its drive lug engages in the drive
slot of the flicker comb, rotate the comb as
necessary to align the slot with the lugs.
Once the comb is fixed in position check that
both the drive slots on the comb are engaged
with the drive lugs on the locating bushes.
Then slide the washer down the drive shaft
and secure the complete assembly with the
supplied wing nut.
Please Note:
It is possible for the machine
to be set up for either left or right hand use
depending on the user’s preference.
It is essential that the location bushes drive
lugs are both fully engaged in to the flicker
comb drive slots prior to use, to ensure the
correct operation of the flicker machine
5 4
fig 2
fig 1
fig 3