Ultrasonic Level Transmitter
ULM84 Series User Manual
Page 19 of 21
Industrial Automation
Doc. ULM84 Rev.99-12
If the above is done correctly, the amount of liquid level according to the figure is 7 meters above the
reference level and the read number of the equipment up to the liquid level will be 2 meters; therefore,
the 9 must be considered for the probe level of the transmitter.
With the above explanations, the tank equipment parameters of Figure 23 are set as follows.
Table 8 - Setting parameters of the first sample tank
Parameter Description
Parameter No. (Name)
Maximum Liquid Level to Reference Point, with Current Output of 20 mA
+8 meters
P02 (20 mA Setup)
Distance between Transmitter’s Probe to the Reference Point
+9 meters
P04 (Probe Height)
Minimum Liquid Level to Reference Point, with Current Output of 4 mA
0 (Zero)
P49 (4 mA Setup)
Define Level Parameters of Sample Tank #2
In this example, a 12-meter wall can be seen that has a depth of about 9 meters underground and also its
height from the ground is more than 3 meters.
This time the surface of the earth is considered as a reference point; Also, according to the information
we have from the liquid, we know that the changes in the liquid level are in a range of 9 meters, which is
a maximum of one meter above the ground (maximum level: +1 meters) and its minimum depth will not
get less than 8 meters below the ground (minimum level: -8 meters).
Figure 24- Second sample tank
Also, the current level of the liquid determined by other means is 50 cm below the ground (so the current
level of the liquid is -0.5 m); Also, when the equipment is turned on, it will show a distance of 3.5 meters
for the transmitter probe to the liquid level; Thus the value to be considered for the probe level parameter
is the sum of these two values; that means:
-0.5 + 3.5 = 3m
Transmitter’s Distance to
current Liquid Level
(read on the transmitter)
Current Liquid Level
distance to the Reference
Point (measured using
other meters)
Distance to
the Reference