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Blade Alignment

Cutter Maintenance

1. Your clippers were carefully examined to ensure that the blades 
were oiled and aligned before leaving our factory.
2. Blades must be realigned if they have been removed for cleaning 
or replacement.
3. To realign the blades,simply match the upper and bottom blades 
teeth up, point for point.(End of top blade teeth should be 
approximately 0.5-1.0mm back from the bottom blade.Compare 
your clipper blades with the sketch)
4. If blade alignment is incorrect,add a few drops of oil to the 
blade,turn the clipper on for a few moments,turn off and 
unplug.Loosen screws slightly and adjust.
Tighten screws after the blade is aligned.

To maintain your clipper in peak condition,the 
blades should be oiled every few haircuts.
To oil it properly,the unit should be held so the 
blades are in a downward position.With the clipper 
blade running,dispense 2-3 drops of oil across the 
top blade.

Cutter Cleaning and Maintenance


1.Please do not disassemble the product.
2.The hair clipper can not be washed.
Please keep it away from wet conditions.

3.The product can only be cleaned by cloth with little water or mild 
soap solution.
4.Do not charge the product under environment above 40°C.or 
below 0°C.

The product can produce little heat duringusing or charging, 

which is normal.

Please remove the battery safely and return it to the specified 

places when the battery runs out. Never discard it casually.

Precautions For Use

