Can I operate a three phase motor?
ANS: No, only single phase motors up to 1 horse power.
Will it charge a battery?
ANS: No. AC POWER cannot be used to charge a battery, however
it will operate a 120 VAC input DC battery charger.
Is our AC generator an inverter?
ANS: No, it is an AC Generator or alternator.
Will the Power-Mite
A.C generator discharge my battery
ANS: No. Not if the engines DC generator is working properly to
keep the battery charged while the Power-Mite
is operating.
What speed does my engine turn to operate the Power Mite
generator at 3600 RPM?
ANS: Usually from 1200 to 1600 RPM, this is necessary to properly
circulate the air, oil and water to keep engine cool.
How much horsepower is required when my Power-Mite
turned on?
ANS: Approximately SEVEN horsepower is required at full load and
a fraction of a horsepower when it is not activated.
If I am using 500 watts and add 1000 watts, my voltage drops
and the increased engine speed fails to bring my voltage up,
instead it continues to drop. What causes this?
ANS: This is the most common of all “low voltages”. The belt is not
tight and the increase load causes it to slip, as the belt slips
this creates heat, the belt stretches and causes it to slip more
causing the output voltage to continue to drop.
Can my original engines' alternator belt cause “Low Voltage”?
ANS: Yes, if it is loose. Be sure all of the engine belts are tight so it
can keep the battery charged.
Why does the voltage drop when more wattage or load is added?
ANS: The increase load on the engine causes it to slow down. The
wattage being used by additional tools, set of lights or appli-
ances would reduce the output voltage. If increasing the
engine speed does not increase the output voltage, reduce the load.
If the Power-Mite
is running over l0,000 rpm will it damage
hand tools or lights?
ANS: No, tools and lights are AC/DC and they run more efficient at
higher cycles up to 75 HZ. The Power Mite can withstand
intermittent speeds up to 10,000 RPM with out damage, if
properly installed.