Rigging a 1998 Ezzy Power Wave
Use a mild soap and water with a rag to clean your sail. Harsh solvents may damage the sail cloth.
Contrary to what most people think, you do not need to fresh water rinse your sail.
The vinyl window can be cleaned by washing with fresh-water and polishing with a dry towel.
Sail cloth should not be left under tension. After sailing, always release your batten tension.
Never leave sails fully rigged overnight. Always release the downhaul and outhaul until the mast has no
Possible Solution:
Camber is difficult to get on to
the mast
1) Make sure the batten tensioner is completely released while snapping cam
2) Make sure the sail has no downhaul tension and is outhauled fully before
snapping cam on.
Camber does not flip
1) Camber batten too tight, release a little batten tension.
2) Cam is under-rotated, need less downhaul.
Camber comes off mast
1) Camber is over-bending, need more downhaul.
2) Mast diameter is larger than normal, lengthen the webbing straps on the
Foot batten does not flip
1) Foot batten has too much curve, give more downhaul and outhaul.
2) Foot batten over-tightened, release some tension on the foot batten.
Sail feels heavy
1) Leech is too tight, try more downhaul.
Sail feels too powerful
1) Sail is too deep, try more outhaul and downhaul.
2) Mast is too stiff, check that you are using the correct mast.
Sail lacks power
1) Sail is too flat, try less outhaul and downhaul.
2) Mast is too soft, check that you are using the correct mast.
Window is difficult to see
1) Rolling your sail wet from fresh water will cause the window to fog. Drying
in the air will clear it up.
2) Make sure there is no sand on the window, then clean your window with a
towel and fresh water.
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