phone number. It will not save the message.
- Save and Send: Saves the message, and send it to
the required recipient.
- Save Only: Saves the message so that you can send
it later.
- Send to Many: Send the message to multiple
recipients. Select Edit List to add up to 10 recipient(s).
- Send by Group:
Sends the message to the Caller
Group. Select a Caller Group from the list.
4) You can input the number directly or get from the
phonebook by pressing the
soft key (left).
5) The phone will display the Message sending Success
or Fail message on the screen for all recipients.
If you receive a call while you are writing a
message, the message will be backed-up and after the
call finishes, the phone will display [write message]
mode. You can finish the message without losing the
With this menu, you can view the new text messages
or the read messages.
It will display the sender’s phone number or name (if
stored in the
) on the list.
If you choose the
soft key, you can view the
message contents.
With this menu, you can view the sent or unsent