Fail safe Pump time Out:
This feature is a failsafe override)
As long as the tank level is below the predefined high level, a periodic refresh
command will be sent to the SMS-2 instructing it to continue pumping. This refresh
will be sent by the SMS-T4 every 10 minutes or until the high level has been reached.
If the SMS-2 pump controller does not receive this refresh text after 16 minutes, it
turns the pump off, the SMS-2 pump controller it will keep looking for a refresh
message every 4 minutes. If after 10 attempts there is still no refresh message it will
stop trying and send the users the following text
10 attempts to send refresh txts
have been made with no answer, please check Tank Controller
After receiving the refresh txt the SMS-2 pump controller will reply to the SMS-T4, if
the SMS-T4 does not receive this reply after 10 attempts it will send the users the
following text
The unit has tried 10 time to reach the pump controller and not had
a reply, please check the pump controller
Default mode for this feature is Off
If you require this feature, then send the following text to
the SMS-2 (pump
controller) and the SMS-T4 tank unit
Command: Pump timeout on
To turn this feature back off, send the following text to both units:
Command: Pump timeout off
To receive the Refresh txts:
(Only the tank controller will send this out)
Command: See refresh on
To turn this feature back off, send the following text to both units:
Command: See refresh off
Ezy Switch SMS-T4 Installation & Operation Manual
Ezy Switch SMS-T4 Installation & Operation Manual