Development Kit
Winbond Audio Codec Board
Part Number: ACC-005
General Description
The EZURiO Winbond Codec Evaluation Board plugs into the EZURiO Developers kit and
allows you to rapidly test and evaluate
audio applications using the EZURiO
Intelligent Serial Module to implement the wireless link.
The ACC-005 evaluation board is based on the Winbond W681360 codec - a 3V, single
channel, 13 bit linear voice-band codec, which is pin compatible to the Motorola MC145483.
The codec is used to digitise incoming audio from the microphone into PCM data and convert
the PCM digital audio output of the
chip into an analogue signal for the
headphones. The codec board has a microphone input and headphone output which are
compatible with standard PC headsets.
The W681630 codec has several features such as power down mode and high pass filter
disable (to allow frequencies down to DC to be used). The ACC-005 codec evaluation board
provides options to allow these features to be tested.
The W681360 incorporates a feature that allows the volume of the codec output to be
digitally controlled via 3 bits of the PCM data stream. The BISM II provides an AT command
(ATS589) that allows you to control the volume of the codec.
This document provides you with information to prototype and evaluate your own audio
application. Once you have tried out your application, you will be able to design your own
audio solution based around the Winbond codec and the EZURiO
Intelligent Serial
is a trademark owned by
SIG, Inc., USA and licensed to EZURIO Ltd.
APN_06002_1v03 Winbond Audio Board Application Note