EZQuest, Inc.
23311 E. La Palma, Ave.
Yorba Linda, CA 92887
Our factory warranty is to the original purchaser and
cannot be transferred. EZQuest is not responsible for
Register you product at this site:
data loss for any reason. We recommend you back up
your equipment if necessary. While our warranty is in
effect, EZQuest will repair or replace the product at no
charge if it is found to be defective. Our warranty cov-
ers defects encountered in normal use. It is void when
damaged by abuse, mishandling, accidents, excessive
dirt or dust, water damaged, power surges, unauthorized
service, or by inadequate packaging during
shipments(s). All claims must be accompanied by a
copy of the original sales invoice. The warranty set forth
above is exclusive and no other warranty, written
or oral, is expressed or implied. EZQuest disclaims the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose.
Model Number:
Serial Number:
Date of Purchase:
Name of Reseller:
Reseller’s Telephone:
All EZQuest Duplicators come with a one year
limited warranty.
If you should encounter a problem with an EZQuest
product please contact the Reseller that originally
installed or sold the drive. If the Reseller cannot help
you, please call our Technical Support Department
at 714-694-0031. Please have the drive model number,
serial number, date of purchase, and the name of the
Reseller before you call for support. If it becomes
neccessary for a product to be returned for repair, an
RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number will
be issued by EZQuest to send the product to our
repair facillity. The RMA number should be placed
on the outside of the shipping carton(s) in large
letters and numbers close to the address label.
Products must be returned in original carton(s) or
packaging of equal quality, and shipped pre-paid.
Please include the cables, but do not include any
software or media. EZQuest will repair or replace the
drive at our option and return it pre-paid by a similar
common carrier service as shipped to EZQuest.
In all cases EZQuest is not responsible for data that
is on the drive. You must backup your data at regular
intervals, especially before you ship a disk drive.
Please record the RMA number and make reference
to it when inquiring about its status.