Customer Service 1-800-377-4532
Currie Technologies
If the quick release lever is either
too tight (cannot be flipped to its fully
locked position) or is too loose (can
be too easily flipped to its locked
position) you will need to adjust the
QR (Quick Release) Lever.
Open the QR lever (Ref Photo A) and
adjust the 10mm nut underneath the
center pin (Ref Photo B).
If the QR lever was too tight initially
you will need to loosen the nut a 1/4
turn at a time. Test the adjustment
you have made by closing the QR
lever (Ref Photo C). The lever should
be tight in its closed position and un-
able to vibrate loose.
If the QR lever was too loose initially
you will need to tighten the nut a 1/4
turn at a time. Test the adjustment
you have made by closing the QR
lever (Ref Photo C). The lever should
be tight in its closed position and un-
able to vibrate loose.
Repeat adjustment as necessary
until QR lever is properly tightened.
If you are unable
to properly adjust the QR lever DO
Currie Technologies
Service at 1-800-377-4532 for further
instructions. Failure to do so may
result in serious injury or death to the
rider or severe damage to the scooter.
Photo A
Photo C
Photo B