3) Transporting the EZee Classic Quickly and Easily
Your EZee Classic can be disassembled and transported in most
car trunks.
When disassembling for transportation or storage: 1. Disconnect
battery pack and place in Utility basket (Fig. 12/1)
2. Disconnect front column (Fig. 12/2) and fold rear frame
separately (Fig. 12/3)
3. For storage – set down front column in a stable position.
4. For transportation, place EZee Classic components in car trunk
as shown in figure 13.
Helpful Hints
Before using your Easy Fold Deluxe take the following precautions:
• Ensure that the front column and rear frame are locked together.
• Ensure that the rear frame is locked open.
Speed Controls
Operate your EZee Classic at a reasonable speed for both your
personal safety and others. Do not make sharp turns at high speeds
or on inclines.
Ramps and Inclines
Lean forward and carefully maneuver your scooter up a ramp or
incline. Be aware that not all ramps are constructed according to
government standards. The government standard for wheelchair
ramps is 1 inch (2.5 cm.) rise per foot (30 cm).
Lower the speed setting to a slow speed when descending inclines.