Max Connections
Host may decide the number of devices that allowed to connect to EZCast Pro
Dongle II. The default setting is 8 users.
Please note that with the rising number of connected devices, the lower
network bandwidth would have for each user.
Network Management
Scan 5G SSID and Connect
Connecting EZCast Pro Dongle II to preferred networking by selecting SSID and
entering Wi-Fi password. After setting up, the user may utilize wireless function
such as online video streaming, web browsing, etc.
WiFi IP Setting
With this function, EZCast Pro Dongle II will set up a default IP address, Netmask.
For an advanced setting, the user may manually configure the IP address,
Gateway, Netmask, and DNS for EZCast Pro Dongle II.
WiFi Password
Setting Wi-Fi password for EZCast Pro Dongle II. A user may decide whether to
hide the Wi-Fi password from the standby screen.
WiFi Channel
User may configure WiFi Channel manually, such as Country, Channel, and
Bandwidth. Please note that user won't be able to switch WiFi Channel when
EZCast Pro Dongle II is connected with an external router.