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Please Note: Since the PLC Editor is a common programming platform for all the models offered by the AVG PLC
family, it may allow you to include 128 Inputs (I), 128 Output (O), 64 input Registers (IR) and 64 Output Registers
(OR) in the main logic. However, the TouchPLC Micro only physically supports 24 discrete inputs and 16 discrete
outputs; hence it is recommended that you only use I1-I24 and O1-O16 while programming the Micro. Similarly,
the TouchPLC Nano only physically supports 16 inputs and 8 outputs; hence it is recommended that you only use
I1-I16 and O1-O8 while programming the Nano. The remaining O bits may be used as "Scratch bits." Similarly, only
IR1-IR4 and OR1-OR4 should be used to address the I/O Registers, while the rest of the Output Registers may be
used as "Scratch Registers." Although there are 64 System Registers (SR) and 64 System Discrete (SD) available in
the programming software, many of them are preassigned a function.
Mapping Conventions
Discrete Inputs/Outputs
Discrete Inputs
Discrete Inputs are denoted using an “I” pre-fix (e.g. I1, I4, etc.). The maximum number of physical Inputs
available in an EZ3-TouchPLC Modular is 24. Hence, you may only use I1 – I24 in your main logic.
Note: All the discrete type EZ3 Inputs are mapped to Discrete Input bits. In the example above, the output
bit O1 will be turned on when input I1 allows power through the rung.
Discrete Outputs
Discrete Outputs are denoted using an “O” pre-fix (e.g. O1, O4, etc.). The maximum number of programmable
Outputs available is 1 through 128. Discrete Outputs are Read-Write type.
Note: All the discrete type EZ3 Outputs are mapped to Discrete Outputs bits.
Word Inputs/Outputs
Input Register (Word)
Input Registers are denoted using an “IR” pre-fix (e.g. IR1, IR4, etc.). These are 16-bit Word data types (registers).
The maximum number of Input Registers available is 1 through 64.
Note: All the EZ3 Analog Inputs (if available) are mapped to Input Registers.
Output Register (Word)
Output Registers are denoted using an “OR” pre-fix (e.g. OR1, OR4, etc.). These are 16-bit Word data types. The
maximum number of Output Registers available is 1 through 64.
Note: All the EZ3 Analog Outputs (if available) are mapped to Output Registers.