Download the app and complete your account activation process
1. Download the
EyeQue Insight
app from the Google Play or the
Apple app store.
2. Launch the app and register for an account. If you already have
an EyeQue account, sign into your existing account.
3. Locate the serial activation number inside the box (and inside
the Insight device) to enter when prompted.
4. Complete your account activation process.
Testing with the EyeQue Insight
1. Select the “Test” icon
2. Choose the test to conduct: Visual Acuity, Color Blind, Contrast Test
3. Choose kids or adult mode, then continue.
a. “Start” will begin a vision test.
b. “Tutorial” provides an informational video or lets you try out the test before
taking one.
4. Select whether the user will be taking the test with or without glasses or contacts
and tap next.
5. Enter your pupillary distance from your prescription or estimate it using our app.
Measure your Pupillary Distance (PD)
1. To measure the PD for someone else, place the back of your smartphone on the
user’s forehead, just above the eyebrows.
2. Slide the red dot to align the lines on the screen with
the user’s pupils.
3. For an accurate measurement of PD, ensure the user
focuses on a distant object.
4. For self-measurement of PD, follow the same steps
facing a mirror.