kBox 3 manual
Drive Belt Cautions
The Drive Belt and its attachment to the axle is the most sensitive part
of the kBox. Be attentive to wear and check regularly.
When the Belt shows signs of wear, trim the end by cutting off the
damaged area or replace it with an original spare Drive Belt.
Cutting off a damaged Belt
If damage occurs close to the end, it may be possible to simply cut off
the damaged end and reattach the new end. Procedure:
• Unwind all of the belt from the shaft (left picture).
• Use the Locking Pin Removal Tool to push the Belt through the shaft
and remove the Locking Pin (right picture).
• Cut off the damaged Belt.
• Wrap Belt around Locking Pin and pull the Belt and Pin into the
wider grove in the shaft.
• The Belt automatically locks into the grove when you pull it firmly.