DVS 510 Series • Remote Configuration and Control
IP Address
To access the DVS 510 or DVS 510 SA via the Ethernet port, obtain the IP address of the
scaler from your network administrator. If the IP address has been changed to an address
comprised of words and characters, you can determine the actual numeric IP address using
the ping (ICMP) utility (see
on page 114 for more details). If the IP address
has not been changed, the factory-specified default is
Establishing an Ethernet Connection Using TCP
Establish a network connection to a DVS as follows:
Open a TCP connection to port 23, using the IP address of the scaler.
The scaler responds with a copyright message that includes the date, the name
of the product, firmware version, part number, and the current date and time (see
If the scaler is not password-protected, the device is ready to accept SIS
commands immediately after it sends the copyright message.
If the scaler is password-protected, a
prompt appears below the
copyright message.
If the scaler is password protected, enter the appropriate administrator or user
If the password is accepted, the scaler responds with
If the password is not accepted, the
prompt reappears.
Connection Timeouts
The Ethernet link times out after a designated period of no communications. By default,
this timeout value is set to 5 minutes, but the value can be changed (see the
command on page 74).
Extron recommends leaving the default timeout at 5 minutes and periodically
issuing the Query (
) command to keep the connection active. If there are long idle
periods, Extron recommends disconnecting and reopening the connection when
another command must be sent.
Using SIS Commands
SIS commands consist of one or more characters per command field. They do not require
any special characters to begin or end the command character sequence. When the DVS
determines that a command is valid, it executes the command and sends a response to the
host device. Each scaler response to an SIS command ends with a carriage return and a
line feed (CR/LF = ]), which signals the end of the response character string. A string is one
or more characters.