Installing the Ridgeline Server
Ridgeline Installation and Upgrade Guide
Figure 4: Port Information
A dialog box appears asking about several options you can enable:
Enable Automatic Updates
. This feature configures Ridgeline to automatically retrieve the most
current information about device and slot software and bootrom images from the Extreme
Networks web site each time you connect the client to the Ridgeline server.
If you enable this feature, Ridgeline will connect to the Extreme Networks web site at server
start-up and once every 24 hours to obtain a list of the current software releases, and a list of any
available Ridgeline patches. No information is sent to Extreme Networks except an indication
that you are running with an evaluation license, if that is the case.
If you disable this feature, you will not able to obtain software update information through the Software
Update feature in the Firmware Manager. You can enable this feature at a later time through Ridgeline
Administration, Server Properties tab, under the External Connections area. Click the checkbox to allow
connection to the Extreme Networks web site.
Start Ridgeline 3.0 services automatically
. This feature starts Ridgeline services automatically
when Windows starts. On Solaris/Linux systems, Ridgeline services start automatically upon
startup and this setting is not user configurable.
to continue.