A forum for Extreme Networks customers to connect with one another, answer
questions, and share ideas and feedback. This community is monitored by Extreme
Networks employees, but is not intended to replace specific guidance from GTAC.
For immediate support: (800) 998 2408 (toll-free in U.S. and Canada) or 1 (408)
579 2826. For the support phone number in your country, visit:
Before contacting Extreme Networks for technical support, have the following information ready:
• Your Extreme Networks service contract number, or serial numbers for all involved Extreme
Networks products
• A description of the failure
• A description of any actions already taken to resolve the problem
• A description of your network environment (such as layout, cable type, other relevant
environmental information)
• Network load at the time of trouble (if known)
• The device history (for example, if you have returned the device before, or if this is a recurring
• Any related RMA (Return Material Authorization) numbers
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Providing Feedback
The Information Development team at Extreme Networks has made every effort to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of this document. We are always striving to improve our documentation
and help you work better, so we want to hear from you. We welcome all feedback, but we especially
want to know about:
• Content errors, or confusing or conflicting information.
• Improvements that would help you find relevant information in the document.
About this Document
March 2020
Installing the VSP 8000 Series